About Sagara
The Sagara Hospital Punnapra was originally envisaged and designed as a Satellite Hospital of Cochin Medical College, kalamassery under CAPE and it was established as per decision of Executive Committee of CAPE in 2009. The Institution was constructed in 80 cents of land, got transferred to CAPE from the department of Industries belonging to erstwhile Scooter factory. After the completion of the building the Hospital was inaugurated on 29.8.2010 and the same is fully owned by CAPE. The work has been completed and building commissioned on 29.8.2010. The building includes ground + 3 floors. In Ground floor the various facilities such as 10 nos, of Consulting rooms, Reception, Pharmacy, Lab & ECG, X-Ray, Casualty etc. In first floor the various facilities such as 2 Nos of Operation Theatre, Predelivery & Labour room, 6 nos of pay ward rooms etc. In second floor the various facilities such as Dialysis unit, ICU, Ultra Sound scan, 13 nos of Pay ward rooms etc. In third floor the various facilities such as 4 nos. of general wards, Nurses Station etc